8 de novembro de 2013

Suposto video de Justin Bieber mostra ele dormindo com ''Prostituta'' no Brasil

o video que bomba no Youtube em apenas 2 dias,mostra o Justin dormindo na cama e sendo gravado por uma ''piriguete'' não se sabe realmente quem é a garota e oque ocorreu antes ou depois...Mais todos afirmam que isso ocorreu depois de fazer uma festa com maconha e bebidas no  Brasil


WHO CARES if she's a prostitute or not? And please STOP saying brazilians are nasty and all those horrible things about my country and people, Brazil is not what you think it is! It's not only soccer, carnival and going to the beach. We're not monkeys neither we live in the jungle. We are a developing country with multinacional corporations and a really growing economy, Brazil is located in one of the best pieces of the world and it's full with mineral resources. There are many important institutions here such as Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, USP, Unicamp and ITA. Characteristics from the whole world has been incorporated through the five centuries since the royal family's arrival in 1500. Also, the contributions of Indians and Portugueses and the meaningful coming of immigrants from all parts of Europe, Middle East and Asia influenced the Brazilian people's formation. It also contributed in our variety of customs, habits, and beliefs. I agree our politics sucks and we get really mad about this, I mean some of us, and that part that do is really trying to change that, it only takes a while. I've written all this crap just to finish it saying Justin Bieber is a childish and a terrible singer whom I hope to never come to Brazil again lmao (and get over my gramatical mistakes) - Uma pessoa comentou no Youtube

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